New school year, new student cohort & 84% growth.


A new Brighter Investment student signing his contract at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST)

The start of the academic year in Ghana is an exciting time for the Brighter Investment team. Students we’ve supported in prior years are returning to their campuses to continue their education, recent graduates are completing their national service and starting jobs, and, perhaps most exciting for all, new students are signing on with Brighter Investment to begin their academic journey.

This year we’re proud to report that our number of enrolled students is on track for 84% growth--a gratifying sign that impact investors increasingly see the value inherent in our investment product and students continue to ambition a better life through education.

The recent growth will bring total supported students to 231. That’s 231 students who otherwise wouldn’t have the opportunity to pursue their higher education ambitions. And 231 students that are on track to earn 3-5x what they would have earned without a degree; live longer, healthier lives; ensure their children are educated; and create additional jobs for other uneducated Ghanaians.

Investors so far in this cohort include The Dickhout Family Foundation, the Vanderes Foundation, as well as individual investors from North America, Europe, and Africa. Additional supporting foundations and investors will be announced in the coming weeks.

There is still limited availability for additional investment in the 2018 cohort, visit or even better, contact us with your questions.


Job opportunity: Customer Service Associate


Why we care about investing in African students & why you should as well