

It’s your final year before graduation and time to get serious! Last year, we worked on figuring out what career you'd like to pursue and the skills you’d need to excel in your chosen career path. This year, you’d be taking a step further by preparing to enter into the world of work. Building good relationships with potential employers is vital at this point!



Revising and improving Plans and Strategies - Now, you are in your final year in school and you are preparing to enter into the world of work. You must have gained a bit of experience and insight from internships as well as from interactions with your mentor and other industry professionals. Your interests and ambitions must have changed or might be in need of a little modification. To this end, you’d be required to work closely with your mentor to achieve the following; 


  1. Learn all you can about career planning here.

  2. Review the career and study plans you drafted last year and fine-tune it based on your new knowledge and experiences for the new year.

  3. Based on the reviews made, draft an improved career and study plan for the new year with action plans on how you intend to achieve each goal.

  4. Make use of this template to prepare your career plan.

Student Deliverable:

  • Revised Career Plan.

  • Feedback form


Improving Career Development Tools- Now that you have a revised career plan and strategy, you will need to revise your career development tools to match your new career plan. You are required  to work closely with your mentor to achieve the following.


  1. Review the career development tools you worked on creating last year. ( These career development tools include your LinkedIn Profile, Cover letter and Resume). 

  2.  Check out these articles if you want your resume to open doors.Click here.

  3. Check out these articles if writing a cover letter fills you with dread. Click here.

  4. Check out the tiny tweaks that would make your LinkedIn Profile stand out. Click here.

Student Deliverable:

  • Sample Resume.

  • Sample Cover Letter.

  • URL for Improved LinkedIn Profile.

  • Feedback form


Preparing for First Semester Examinations- Even as you get ready for a transition into the world of work, your academics should remain your priority. There are doors great grades can open and you definitely want to leverage on that. This month therefore, you’d be focusing on doing all you can to ace your examinations. You’d be required to work closely with your mentor to accomplish the tasks below.


  1. Take a critical look at your performance this semester. How often did you attend classes? How well did you do in quizzes and assignments?

  2. Based on the feedback from your thoughts, write out a short statement on how well you are likely to do in the coming exams without extra effort.

  3. Take a look at the statement you wrote down. Are you likely to do well in the coming examinations? If yes, write down five ways you hope to do better (Move form an anticipated B+ to an A). If no, write down five ways you hope to make up for lost time and missed opportunities in the upcoming examinations.

  4. Based on the statement you wrote and the points for improvement, develop a plan to ace your coming examination.

  5. Follow this guide to create a study schedule for yourself.

Student Deliverable:

  • Your Plan to Ace the Exams.

  • Feedback form


Building Strategic Relationships - A lot of jobs never get advertised on a job site. Relationships are the most effective way to find out about jobs and get hired. From friends to professors and mentors, alumni and even random people you meet everyday, you never know who would hold open the door to your next opportunity. For this reason, you have to focus on intentionally building your networks as your network would most definitely determine your net worth in the not too distant future. To this end, you’d be required to work closely with your mentor to accomplish the tasks below.


  1. Learn about the twenty-five people you need in your network. Click here.

  2. Get to know about the three easy ways you can build networking into your daily routine. Click here.

  3. Identify at least individuals with whom you can build professional relationships with. (Use LinkedIn, your lecturers, your mentor and other relevant connections you have).

  4. Conduct informational interviews with at least two of these individuals. Click here to learn how to go about an informational interview.

Student Deliverable:

  • One page report on one of your informational interviews.

  • Feedback form


Improving Your Work Skills: No matter what you’re interested in, there are a few key skills that will serve you well across industries and roles. Plus, if you build and master multiple skill sets, you’ll be a desirable candidate for many types of jobs, even if your career interests change over time. This is why you need to invest in the skills that employers find most desirable. This month, you’d be enrolling for a work-skill training program with EqwipHubs where you’d learn the basic skills that would make you employable. You’d be required to work closely with your mentor to accomplish the tasks below.


  1. Learn about five skills that would impress every hiring manager. Click here.

  2. Fill out the application form to be a part of the job Skill Training with EqwipHubs. Click here to apply.

  3. Start the training program and be sure to always be in attendance and diligently undertake all assignments.

  4. Write a report on the key learning points you’ve taken in the few weeks you have been on the program.

Student Deliverable:

  • One page report on key learning points from the skill training program.

  • Feedback form


Improving Your Work Skills: Having the right skills puts you on top of your game and makes you desirable to employers. This is why you need to invest in the skills that employers are on the lookout for. This month, you’d be continuing with work-skill training program with EqwipHubs where you’ve already began to learn the basic skills that would make you stand out in the job market. You’d therefore be required to work closely with your mentor to accomplish the tasks below.


  1. Learn about twelve skills that would make your resume stronger. Click here.

  2. Continue the training program and be sure to always be in attendance and diligently undertake all assignments.

  3. Write a report on the key learning points you’ve taken so far from the program.

Student Deliverable:

  • One page report on key learning points from the skill training program.


Preparing for Second Semester Examinations- This happens to be your last examination and you are officially done with college. We bet you’d want to make this last examination one of the very best. This month therefore, you’d be focusing on doing all you can to ace your Final examinations. To achieve this you’d be required to work closely with your mentor to do the following;


  1. Take a critical look at your performance this semester. How often did you attend classes? How well did you do in quizzes and assignments?

  2. Based on the feedback from your thoughts, write out a short statement on how well you are likely to do in the coming exams without extra effort.

  3. Take a look at the statement you wrote down. Are you likely to do well in the coming examinations? If yes, write down five ways you hope to do better (Move form an anticipated B+ to an A). If no, write down five ways you hope to make up for lost time and missed opportunities in the upcoming examinations.

  4. Based on the statement you wrote and the points for improvement, develop a plan to ace your coming examination.

  5. If project work has taken up all your time and you believe you have very little time to study for your examinations. Click here to try these tips.

Student Deliverable:

  • A Plan to Ace Your Examinations.

  • Feedback form


Getting the Placement You’d Love: Your national service is around the corner and we are sure you’re looking forward to getting a placement in a company you love to do what you love to do the most. However, this would not happen by mere wishful thinking. You have to get up, get out and reach for what you want. To this end, you’d be working closely with your mentor to accomplish the following tasks;


  1. Make a list of five companies you’d be happy to do your National Service with.

  2. Create a table and beside each company, write out why you’d be happy to serve with them and the unique value you hope to bring on board to help them achieve their objectives

  3. Prepare a good expression of interest letter and attach your resume and a recommendation to it. Click here for a sample expression of interest letter.

  4. Have these documents nicely packaged and properly delivered to your listed companies. Be sure to get a contact when you submit the letter so you can follow up.

  5. Learn about the rules of following up on your submitted request letter and how to apply them. Click here.

Student Deliverable:

  • Application Log.

  • Feedback form


Acquiring a Digital Skill : Beyond what you learnt in school and even what you learned on the job during your internships, there are certain skills you need to learn in addition. Some of these skills are in high demand and you will require them to stand out in the job market. Be sure to work closely with your mentor to take a course that interests you and would be relevant to your chosen career path from Google on digital skills for Africa.


  1. Review the different courses that Google is offering. Click here.

  2. Select a course that is in alignment with your interest and your ambitioned career.

  3. Commit to completing your chosen course and attempting all quizzes, tests and assignments.

Student Deliverable:

  • Report on Selected Course including Key Learning Points.

  • Feedback form