Questionnaire for Ghanaian graduates

In collaboration with the government of Ghana, Brighter Investment is researching the career potential of graduates with different degrees. Please take 5 minutes to answer the 12 short questions below and help us to provide financial support to more Ghanaian bright students!


This questionnaire is for graduates whom’s institution isn’t in our list yet


Please start by checking if your institution is listed in our collection of known education providers. If it is not there, please complete this questionnaire and we will work to add your institution to our programs.


Thank you for participating in this short graduate salary questionnaire organized by the government of Ghana in collaboration with Brighter Investment. The results of this research will inform the Ghanaian government on policy decisions and help Brighter Investment provide financial support to more bright Ghanaian students.

The official announcement of this research can be found on the website of the Association of African Universities as well as on the Brighter Investment website. This research was also announced in the Ghanaian media (Joy Online and Business & Financial Times).

All results of this research will be treated 100% confidential and will only be used to provide us with a general understanding of the labor market in Ghana. Don’t hesitate to contact us by email at if you have any questions.

The following 12 short questions will only take a couple of minutes to answer and your participation in this research is important and appreciated: