Consultancy opportunity: Identifying opportunities for increased gender parity


In collaboration with World University Services Canada (WUSC) and the D. Keith MacDonald Foundation (DKM) we’re looking for a consultant to help us with a project. The project’s objective is to identify the most effective solutions to increase gender parity in our student financing model. Interested candidates can apply with WUSC, more information is provided below:

Consultancy: Identifying opportunities for increased gender parity in the Brighter Investment student loan model

Position Location: Accra, Ghana

Reports to: Inclusive Economy Advisor

Contract term: 20 days between February and April, 2019

Application deadline: January 15th, 2019

Start date: February 1st, 2019


BACKGROUND - WUSC – World University Service of Canada – is a leading Canadian non-profit organization in international development, committed to providing education, economic opportunities and empowerment opportunities that improve the lives of millions of disadvantaged youth around the world.

Brighter Investment (BI) is a financial services company specialized in financial products for higher education in developing countries. BI has tested an investment-led funding model for student loans over the last four years in Ghana, and the results to date show that BI students have outperformed their peers, increased their incomes and are less likely to be unemployed with their degree. These positive first results suggest that BI’s investment model is a viable solution to improve access to higher education in Ghana. However, BI’s model to date has been skewed towards male applicants. BI is seeking innovative and cost effective approaches to improving the gender balance in its student portfolio.

WUSC and BI are working together to increase the gender parity of the BI model with the goal of funding the higher education of a larger proportion of female students.

GENERAL DUTIES - BI and WUSC will be identifying the key focus areas in the client journey of female students enrolling with Brighter Investment which present hurdles for potential female students. The consultant will be expected to undertake research in the selected focus areas and provide findings as well as costed recommendation for either (a) interventions which can be cost effectively  integrated in the BI model, or (b) small one time investments which can lead to more sustainable and successful female applicants.

The consultant will be expected to work closely with the BI and WUSC teams in Ghana.  

EXPECTED OUTPUTS - While keeping a focus on the goal of the project which is to assist BI to seek innovative and cost effective approaches to improving the gender balance in its student portfolio with the goal of funding the higher education of a larger proportion of female students.

The consultant will be expected to produce the following outputs:

  1. Deep Analysis of the identified focus areas which present hurdles for female applicants;

  2. Costed recommendations which are appropriate for inclusion in BIs model and/or which can be pursued with one-time limited funding.

QUALIFICATIONS - The Consultant is expected to have:

  1. Business experience, with a preference for experience with small businesses, business  in the financial services sector, student loan sectors, or student recruitment sector.

  2. Expertise or demonstrated experience working for the inclusion of women in business or education.

  3. Demonstrated experience in developing costed recommendations for businesses.

  4. Demonstrated experience with Excel and quantitative analysis.

  5. Ability to communicate (oral and written) in English.

INTERESTED CANDIDATES - Interested candidates should apply to WUSC by January 15th, 2019. Candidates should send a CV and a one-pager cover letter which details: 1) why they are an ideal candidate; 2) how they would approach the assignment; and 3) their daily rate.

Applications should be sent to, with the subject line “Gender Parity in BI - Ghana” WUSC is an equal opportunity employer. Only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted. No telephone calls please.


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